Open Letter


December 28, 2016

Happy New Year to all as we begin 2017. Like most, the WGNC is making plans for the upcoming year. We are amazed at the number of people – not just unknown people – but friends, family and neighbors that are without enough food to keep them going. Meeting this challenge means continued support from our church and others is essential. Most important to our mission is the willingness to share Christ’s ever-present promises of eternal life. Next, we have two great needs and of course smaller needs as well.


First and foremost, we seek your prayers to guide us in the coming year to follow the will of Christ. The WGNC has been a mission of Olivet since the late 1990’s and countless prayers have helped us to sustain until this day. In 2007 a board of directors volunteered to take over the mission. We filed for a 501 C 3 not-for-profit organization enabling us to search for additional funding. We’ve been somewhat successful at this. God has always shown us through to provide for others. With your continued prayers a difference in the lives of Wichitan’s can be met.


Second, running the center seems simple enough, collect food and give it away. But it’s not that easy, just ask Lloyd and Polly Hurst, our directors. They are fabulous. But there must be a governing group to ensure the mission of the center is followed, the directors are provided with what is needed for the day-to-day operations, to raise funds and provide continual pray. Beginning the New Year we are seeking others that would like to come along side of the current board and become a part of serving Christ in this mission. We are searching both in our church and with other Christians.


What are the responsibilities you might ask? We are looking for individuals or couples that would meet with us once a month (first Tuesday of the month) for about an hour to discuss the daily operation, help with fundraises like the chili cook-off, and pray for the mission of the WGNC. We try to have a fund raiser each quarter at church. Growing fund raisers outside of the church would mean we could reach more people for Christ through the distribution of food.


If you are interested in joining the board or would like to just come and see what we do, please contact Lynne Frazier at 729-8607 or Lloyd Hurst at 992-9667. Our next meeting is scheduled for January 3rd at 6:00 p.m.


Our next fund raiser is the famous Chicken Noodle Dinner (I’ve even heard Polly might make her homemade noodles) after the morning service on February 12th. Please join us for great lunch. We ask for donations of $5.00 up to $25.00 for a family of 5. If we have some left, grab a container to put in your freezer or dinner the next day. An additional donation would be appreciated, if you can.


Requests for food have been high. We currently serve as many as 100 families each Wednesday and generally about 80 families on Friday. We are in need of cereal – hot or cold and bibles (new or slightly used). Please leave items in the shopping cart in the foyer by the sanctuary.


In Christ,



Lloyd and Polly Hurst


WGNC Board of Directors

Lynne Frazier, Dane Hutcherson and Mike Truly